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Stop Doing This if You Want to Grow Your Podcast

audience psychology marketing & growth
Episode 299 uncovers common mistakes that could be preventing your podcast from growing, with expert advice on what to stop doing to attract more listeners and expand your reach.

Episode 299 | Insider Secrets to a Top 100 Podcast | Courtney Elmer


0:02 - The Problem with Most Podcast Growth “Strategies”
1:15 - What's Really Sabotaging Your Podcast Growth
3:18 - What I’m Not Doing to Grow My Podcast
7:00 - The Real Reason Stephen Bartlett Hit 1 Billion Downloads
14:42 - 3 Steps to Find What’s Moving the Needle for Your Show

Why Doing Less is the Key to Faster Podcast Growth

When it comes to growing a podcast, the common advice tells you to do more: guest on dozens of shows, post daily on social, run ads. But what if doing less could actually get you faster growth? In this episode, we’re debunking outdated podcasting advice that’s slowing your progress (without you realizing it) and I’ll reveal what I’m not doing to grow my podcast—and how cutting back has led to up to 32% month-over-month growth.

Ready to grow your podcast without adding more to your plate (and maybe even taking a few things off)? Let’s dive in.

The Real Reason Stephen Bartlett Hit 1 Billion Downloads

Take Stephen Bartlett, host of The Diary of a CEO. Recently, he hit a milestone only a handful of podcasters have ever hit: 1 billion downloads. (Spoiler: Stephen has been mastering his craft as a podcast host for the past seven years, and over half of that growth happened in the past year.) Bartlett credits his success to loving the process of podcasting and keeping it simple.

But what does "keeping it simple" actually mean? Eliminating distractions. For Bartlett, that means zeroing in on two essentials: creating content that speaks directly to his audience’s deepest interests and showing up consistently with episodes that deliver undeniable value.

The Problem with Most Podcast Growth “Strategies”

The problem with most podcast growth “strategies” is that they all work. On the surface that doesn’t seem like a problem, but only a handful of podcast educators will tell you that the real “secret” to podcast growth is to pick one, maybe two strategies and do them exceptionally well. 

It’s no different than a chef crafting a Michelin-starred dish. It’s not about tossing in every spice and ingredient in the pantry. It’s about selecting a handful of very high quality components and combining them in just the right way to create a dish that’s truly extraordinary. In podcasting, this translates to refining your messaging to resonate with your audience, optimizing for discoverability (like nailing your episode titles for SEO), and delivering episodes so engaging that listeners can’t help but share them.

But “simple” isn’t sexy, and won’t grab headlines. It’s also in our nature as humans to complicate things unnecessarily. It’s not logical, yet, that’s exactly what we do.. To understand why, psychology has the answer:

What's Really Sabotaging Your Podcast Growth

When most podcasters think about growth, the first question they ask is, What else can I do? (a.k.a. How many more strategies can I pile onto my already overloaded plate?) But here’s the truth no one tells you: adding more is not, and never has been, the answer.

The better question to ask: What can I stop doing? 

Most of us are stuck in the habit of doing things because it makes us feel busy, productive, or important. But the reality is this: 

Complexity masquerades as progress—it tricks you into thinking that being busy is the same as being effective. But in reality, complexity is a distraction.

It doesn’t make much sense when you think about it. Why complicate things unnecessarily?The real issue is psychological. Humans are naturally suspicious of simplicity. Complexity feels important—it feeds your ego and makes you feel productive. But what’s more impactful: a tangled web of tasks that keeps you endlessly busy but gets you nowhere, or a streamlined, intentional plan that actually yields progress?

Simplicity isn’t about doing less or being lazy. It’s about precision. The sooner you embrace simplicity, the sooner you’ll free yourself to make real progress. 


What I’m Not Doing to Grow My Podcast

I used to believe the secret to podcast growth was guest-starring on as many shows as I could, posting daily on every platform, emailing my list every time a new episode dropped, pitching myself for every virtual summit or live event that crossed my desk. The result? A whole lot of burnout and a podcast that was growing slower than molasses in the winter. (Except, as a New Orleanian, I can’t say I know how slow molasses actually moves in the winter. But you get my drift.)

I was so consumed with doing that I didn’t stop to notice most of it wasn’t having any real impact on my podcast growth. Worse, I was so laser-focused on “growing the show” that I stopped prioritizing the people already tuning in. Instead of serving the audience I had, I was chasing more, more, more.

This wasn’t just a disservice to my listeners—it was a disservice to my team too, who was bending over backward to support my never-ending flow of new ideas and projects. I learned the hard way that overcommitting doesn’t lead to growth, it leads to exhaustion, scattered focus, and wasted time.

So instead, I decided to double down on what actually worked for my show:

  1. Producing two quality episodes a week and optimizing each episode for SEO.
  2. Writing a well-crafted, SEO-optimized blog post for each episode.
  3. Staying at least one month ahead on my content calendar.

That’s it. Just a laser focus on a few things that were already delivering results. Once I made that shift, we started seeing up to 32% month-over-month growth on the show—and I was no longer burning myself out in the process.

3 Steps to Find What’s Moving the Needle for Your Show

So, how do you figure out what’s actually working for your podcast? It starts with letting go of the things that feel productive but aren’t driving results. Here’s a simple, practical way to uncover the strategies that truly move the needle:

  • Audit Your Current Efforts
    Take a hard look at everything you’re doing right now to grow your podcast. Track these activities against the results they’re delivering.

    For example, if you’re posting daily on Instagram, stop and actually look at the data: Is this driving new listeners to your show? Use analytics to see where your audience is coming from. If you can’t tie a direct result—like increased downloads or listener engagement—to an activity, it might be time to reevaluate.

  • Ask Yourself: What Feels Like a Drain?

    If there’s a growth strategy you dread doing, it’s time to cut it. If it feels like a drain on your energy, chances are you won’t show up in a way that showcases your natural gifts.

    So instead, focus on what feels natural and aligned. Love speaking? Double down on guesting. Prefer writing? Create blog posts that rank for niche-related searches. When you lean into strategies you enjoy, your energy naturally comes through, and your audience takes notice.

  • Commit to ONE Strategy for the Next 90 Days

    I had a client recently who was adamant about focusing on YouTube, social media, SEO, and guesting. When I challenged him to pick just one strategy for the next 90 days, his response? “I’ll think about it.”

    My prediction? 90 days from now, he’ll still be asking me what to do to grow his podcast. Without committing to one strategy, he won’t know what’s actually working. And my advice to him will be the same: Pick one thing, test it, and give it enough time to measure its impact.

    Let’s say you decide to focus on SEO. For the next three months, optimize your episode titles and descriptions for searchability. Track how many new listeners are finding you through organic search. At the end of 90 days, evaluate your progress. If it’s working? Don’t change a thing—double down on it.

There’s a reason a laser is more powerful than a sunbeam. When it comes to podcast growth, direct your energy toward one clear strategy, and you’ll see greater results more quickly than scattering your efforts everywhere. 

Stephen Bartlett didn’t reach 1 billion downloads by chasing every strategy; he got there by loving the process and focusing on what mattered most. The same goes for you. By auditing your efforts, cutting what drains your energy, and committing to one focused strategy for the next 90 days, you can simplify your approach, start seeing real progress, and fall back in love with the process of podcasting. 

If you’re not sure what strategies to focus on or you need help building a targeted podcast growth plan for your podcast with a full team of podcast experts by your side to help you implement it, book a free strategy call with our team to find out if you’re a fit for PodLaunch® — we’d love to help.

Or if you’re just here for the free content and want more advice on starting a podcast, growing a podcast, and turning your listeners into clients, make sure you hit “Follow” for Insider Secrets to a Top 100 Podcast on your favorite podcast app so you never miss a new episode.


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